The secret ingredient to results.


As the mornings become a little cooler and the nights a little darker, our motivation to exercise can drop off. Choosing to stay rugged up at home instead of getting out to exercise is a mindset challenge we all feel at some point during the cooler months.

That motivation we had at the start of the year to get the best body yet, or be the fittest we’ve ever been naturally fades. So how do we stay motivated?

Our motivation is always short lived. It’s that feeling of inspiration we get when we are ready to make a change in our life and helps us to take action. Motivation serves this sole purpose, to get us moving. But when motivation fades, what do we do next?

This is where most people drop off but there is a solution. The solution is discipline. Discipline is the difference between a person who commits to their exercise all year round, versus, a person who is motivated in summer and quits in winter.

Each person has the power to cultivate discipline into their life - discipline like anything else is a practice - It takes time and consistency to develop but once it’s in place life gets easier and staying on track with our exercise becomes easily achievable.

Developing discipline includes us knowing our why - why do we exercise? Is it for better posture, a stronger body, to feel good, to feel better, whatever it is for you, remind yourself of this whenever your mind tells you “I’m too tired to go to class.”

Discipline is created through scheduling in our workouts. It’s setting that time aside before anything else, and being brave to say no when something else comes up that wants to take us away from our exercise time.  

Discipline is knowing that looking after our body and mind is non-negotiable. We cannot show up as our best selves for our family and friends, work peers, and most importantly for ourselves if we are not feeling our best. So make exercises become part of who you are and what you do each week. Making it routine helps it become a habit - and habits once created are hard to break.

Cultivating discipline isn’t easy, but it’s possible and know that you have us, your teachers, and our community on your side cheering you on every step of the way.

Jodie Tapper

Hey, I’m Jodie

I’m a movement expert and a fully qualified Pilates practitioner and yoga teacher. I’m also the proud owner of Soul Flexible.

I teach people just like you, how to eliminate and reduce body pain, improve your posture, and build incredible strength and flexibility through the practice of Pilates, yoga and mindfulness.

So, if you are ready to make a change to transform your health, you are in the right place.

Through our uniquely tailored and holistic approach, you’ll feel like a new you – no matter your starting point.

Reduce inflammation with yoga.


Key Benefits to Practicing Pilates on the regular!